Sunday, September 19, 2010

Preparedness planning


The concept of preparedness planning is very important for those involved in disaster management. During an actual emergency, quick and effective action is required. This action often depends on having made and implemented preparedness plans. If appropriate action is not taken or if the response is delayed, lives may be needlessly lost. In a preliminary plan, even though the details of a disaster remain uncertain, you can identify emergency shelter sites, plan and publicize evacuation routes, identify emergency water sources, determine chains of command and communication procedures, train response personnel and educate people about what to do in case of an emergency. All of these measures will go a long way to improving the quality, timing and effectiveness of the response to a disaster.

Disaster preparedness planning involves identifying organizational resources, determining roles and responsibilities, developing policies and procedures and planning preparedness activities aimed at ensuring timely disaster preparation and effective emergency response. The actual planning process is preliminary in nature and is performed in a state of uncertainty until an actual emergency or disaster occurs. The aim of preparedness planning is to identify assignments and specific activities covering organizational and technical issues to ensure that response systems function successfully in the event of a disaster. The ultimate objective is not to write a plan but to stimulate on-going interaction between parties, which may result in written, usable agreements. The written plan is an instrument, but not the main goal of the planning process.

In a preliminary plan, we can identify:-

1.      Emergency shelter sites
2.      Plan and publicize evacuation routes.
3.      Identify emergency water sources
4.      Determine chains of command and communication procedures.
5.      Train response personnel
6.      Educate people what to do in case of an emergency.


1.      Management, organization and coordination

Many agencies take part in emergency response operations; therefore clear coordination of activities is required to ensure that the maximum number of people is assisted in the shortest possible time and to avoid unnecessary duplication of services.

When creating a preparedness plan each agency should also identify the activities it will be responsible for and its anticipated level of involvement in the event of an emergency and where the responsibility of each function will reside. If two groups will perform similar function, it is important to clarify the distinct and overlapping roles of each organization.

2.      Assessment of portable needs

Based on previous disasters, planners should compile a list of likely needs and available resources.

3.      Activating population emergency notification and disaster response system

The plan should define ways to provide the population with emergency warning as well as the people who are responsible for this function. There must be a system for initiating a disaster response in case of an emergency.

The plan should also ensure ways of involving volunteers and allowing staff to work extra hours.

4.      Emergency needs assessment

Effective response operations are impossible without a precise emergency or disaster situation assessment and thorough evaluation of required humanitarian and other relief. To be effective, assessment work should be well planned and organized before it is carried out. A comprehensive needs assessment should be conducted immediately after an emergency and updated thereafter.

When planning for an emergency needs assessment, identify:-
                                i.            Who and when is responsible for the assessment.
                              ii.            What information is required at each stage of the emergency?
                            iii.            How and where research teams will be formed and trained
                            iv.            What standards are being used to indicate the severity of the emergency?
The minimum humanitarian standards in disaster response developed by the sphere project can assist organizations in prioritizing information collection needs and planning an appropriate level of response. It includes the information on the following sectors:-
                                i.            Water supply and sanitation
                              ii.            Nutrition
                            iii.            Food aid
                            iv.            Shelter and site planning
                              v.            Health services

5.      Resource mobilization and allocation

Responding to an emergency and implementing the preparedness plan will require resources. The preparedness plan should consider:-
                                i.            Availability and quantity of resources.
                              ii.            The number of staff needed during an emergency.
                            iii.            Plans for procuring the resources that are not currently available.
                            iv.            Identify resources that will be needed and not readily available.

6.      Communication between agencies

Sharing and exchanging information among representatives of various agencies is crucial during emergencies, to ensure clear and effective communication in an emergency. The plan should specify how communication will take place and via what medium.

7.      Sector components
                                i.            Rescue and medical assistance for the affected
Major emergencies and disasters often result in deaths and injuries. The disaster preparedness plan should outline;-
ü  The responsible organization for search and rescue
ü  How to dispose off dead bodies
ü  The organization to deliver first aid
ü  Who will be responsible for medical evacuations and hospitalization.
                              ii.            Water and sanitation
In an emergency there is lack of safe drinking water, which may cause serious health problems. Since people can live without food longer than water, supply of clean drinking water is a priority in an emergency. Sanitation includes; provision of safe water; disposal of human excreta, wastewater and garbage; insect and rodent control; safe food handling; and site drainage.
                            iii.            Food and nutrition
Food provision is aimed at meeting the need of the affected population during an emergency. The preparedness plan should define, calculate and stipulate how food will be provided in emergencies of differing intensities and impacts.
                             iv.            Logistics and transport
Emergency response operations require transport of humanitarian and personnel and equipment to the disaster site. Logistics and transport issues are crucial to a successful response.
                               v.            Health and nutrition
Access to safe water, good sanitary conditions of dwellings and proper nutrition help avoid diseases.
                             vi.            Shelter
In some cases urgent shelter provision is needed for those whose houses have been destroyed or are unsafe. Urgent repair work; provision of tents and tarpaulins for temporary shelter; or sheltering homeless people in public buildings like schools may be required.
                           vii.            Search and reunification of families
One of the priority social welfare tasks in many relief operations is to quickly initiate a search for missing people and reunite lost family members. The family is the basic social unit in most societies and plays a key role in meeting needs and solving community problems.
                         viii.            Protection and security
Preparedness plans should identify who is responsible for protection and security, and identify the actions to be taken to ensure the protection of the affected population and their belongings as well as the safety of the emergency responders

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Anonymous said...

good work boy

Anonymous said...

references needed